What should you know about cheating?

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Should you cheat in exams and homework or not?

One of the hardest parts of doing a college program is getting through the homework that is associated with it. In most cases, the assignments you receive are tedious and they also require you to do quite a bit of critical thinking.

This feeds into the teaching style used in colleges and the contrast to that of high school, where you were provided with all the information you needed during classes. In college, you are expected to develop your data gathering capabilities as much as you are expected to have a strong base in your field of choice once you complete your program. Therefore, the assignments given cannot be straightforward as you may lose out on the intended experience if they are.

There are many ways to get an assignment done in college without having to lift a finger yourself. Avenues exist to pay for homework help and the payment you give doesn’t always have to be monetary.

Clearly, these methods are not the ones lecturers encourage as there are many reasons that they can do more harm for your development than good. This is even more so if you are the type who isn’t likely to review homework you’ve had done for you in this way. Where is the line drawn in all this? When is it so far gone that you should be disqualified from the assignment and possibly even suspended or expelled? Is it at the point where you decide to pay for homework help? Is it when you submit an assignment you haven’t even seen?

Is cheating on exams and homework the right thing to do?

When you consider it, there really is no line drawn in black and white. Deduction of marks for plagiarism for example is no more than a way of encouraging students to do the “right thing” in the eyes of the institution.

A college is a place of education, but it is more than that. It is the place where you meet the people who are statistically the most likely to be your lifelong friends. It is the place you go to work on achieving your dreams career-wise. It is the final step of training before you enter specialized fields of work. Arguably most important of all, however, college is where you ask and answer the question of who you are and who you intend to be as a person in life.

This is where the true crossing of the line may or may not take place. College is an individual experience for each student while being a journey of self-discovery. The truth is the line depends on the values you choose to hold dear and those you choose to ignore. Therefore, you can supposedly “cheat” on an assignment but who gets cheated in the end? Have you won because you got a higher grade than you should have? Or have you lost because you are ignorant to one of the most important pieces of information to your career path?

Choosing to pay for homework help doesn’t make you a bad person or a delinquent. Even those who neglect to admit it need help. However, do you really pay for help or do you just pay someone off to do your work for you? If you do the latter, do you take any steps to ensure that you understood the premise of the assignment and why it needed to be done?


There were quite a few questions posed throughout this article and you were given a bit to think about. Don’t take what you’ve read to mean you can’t cheat in college if you don’t think you are cheating. The point is that your choices in college have consequences for your life… even when the course of study has long ended. Establish your boundaries well and stick to your morals.

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