How to Cope with ADHD in College?

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College is supposed to be an exciting time, filled with independence, new experiences, and the opportunity to learn more about topics you are actually interested in. Unfortunately, for students who have ADHD, this can also be an incredibly stressful time. Learning how to manage your symptoms in a new atmosphere with new challenges and demands is difficult, especially if you have always had the support of your parents or caregivers in the past.

Schedule Everything

Early on, you should visit your student support services or learning center to talk about your ADHD-related challenges with an expert. You may qualify for certain accommodations, such as extra time to write tests or help with note taking. In this meeting, talk about your class schedule and ask for help in coming up with a loose agenda for the week. You need to slot time to attend your classes, complete homework and assignments, and take care of yourself. Depending on the extent of your symptoms, you may even want to schedule things like taking your medication, so you don’t forget. Color-coding your schedule can make it more attractive and easier to follow.

Don’t Forget to Sleep

Between classes, socialization, and extra-curricular activities, you may find yourself tempted to skip a few hours of sleep. After all, what harm can an all-nighter or two do, right? The answer is a lot. Studies show that students who have ADHD benefit immensely from getting at least seven hours of sleep on a consistent basis. It helps you pay attention easier, less likely to behave impulsively, and keeps your mood elevated. Without sleep, you may find even getting to your classes impossible, which can quickly lead to a decline in your grades.

Get enough sleep
Get enough sleep

Get Out of Bed on Time

Sticking with your schedule is as important as getting enough sleep. Many students with ADHD find that mornings are very difficult for them, especially when they are living on their own for the first time. Getting up, getting yourself moving, and gathering your things can all be the source of delays. Set two alarms, to avoid sleeping through the first, and put one across the room, so you are forced to get out of bed in order to turn it off. You may want to wake up about 20 to 30 minutes earlier than required, to allow for any delays in getting yourself ready for the day. You should also avoid checking social media or your email until you are ready to leave the door, to prevent time-consuming distractions from making you late.

Stay in Touch with Supports

Were your parents a big help in keeping you on track in your last year of high school? Did you have a best friend who helped you stay focused on homework? You may be living far away from friends and family, but modern technology has made it easier than ever to stay connected. Don’t be afraid to reach out. You can ask for strategies they think can help with any challenges and get moral support along the way. These old friends and family members also know how hard you worked to achieve what you have, making them your best cheerleaders. Reach out with good news too, so you can celebrate it with people who genuinely know how much it means to you.

Use an Online Service

If, despite following all the tips above, you are still struggling, you can always turn to online homework help services. Reputable essay writing and homework assignment services are out there, with experts ready to ensure you get a good grade. You may find that you are able to do all the research required for a particular project but are unable to write the final paper. In other cases, you may have excellent writing skills but still need to master time management, and simply lack the time. Or you might be nailing the practical assignments but are worried about failing written requirements. In any case, online services can give you the help you need, so you can worry less and focus on your academic strengths more.


Attending classes, keeping up with homework, and getting good grades are challenging for all students – especially those with ADHD. The tips above can help you stay on track, while also giving you supports you can turn to guilt-free in times of need.

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